Thursday, July 31, 2008

Goodbye to the Mansers

So we say goodbye to our good friends, the mansfields. Over the last couple of days we have been able to eat our favorite foods, chick-fil-a and armadillo grill, and reminisce on the fun times of living in the radius(that would be durham, nc). There were some definite sad moments since they have been living in the state of north carolina for most, if not all, of their lives, but I am extremely excited for them. New York doesn't know how lucky they have it now. I will definitely miss them, but I guess I am kind of glad that I tore my acl(i would have definitely liked it another way) because this meant I was able to spend lots of quality time(my love language for those of you who need to know!) and really say my good byes! Izzy and Maeby were even able to say proper goodbyes this morning as the Fultons and Whitehills brought Starbucks and Chick-fil-a. (Starbucks wont be a problem in New York, but this may be their last chick for awhile-how sad!) If you are bored while typing numbers in the office, check out and watch their move to new york LIVE! I know, so exciting! I am going to leave all of you with the advice that Robert and I left to these two wonderful and sweet people-- "don't lose your southern flare" "don't forget how to drive a car" "be green and stay republican" "good luck driving a rental truck through manhattan" "go to Tao!" There were many other words of advice, but I think we can leave it at that!

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Gameday hotel in Athens,GA!

Gameday hotel in Athens,GA!
Could my dad BE any happier!!!

My big sis is 30!

My big sis is 30!

Lookin snazzy ladies!

Lookin snazzy ladies!

Sailing anyone?

Sailing anyone?
A golf outing where we look soo cute! haha

Robert and Maeby

Robert and Maeby
Gangsta Mae(and robert we live on the east coast)

Typical Izzy

Typical Izzy
Worn out after helping the Mansfields move

Ginny, Brandt, and Me

Ginny, Brandt, and Me
we still look good in china! haha

A Tribute to Emily

A Tribute to Emily
She meant the world to ALL the whitehills

durham radius

durham radius
thanks michael and grace!

the whitehills

the whitehills
look at robert's new jacket, he is soo proud!