Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Plane Etiquette

#3- If you have earphones in, it means "DO NOT talk to me!"

#4- Unless you are missing a flight, it is unnecessary to run up as many rows as you can just to try and get off the plane first.


DC Fan said...

If you know you are going to be sitting by the window on a red-eye or overseas flight go to the restroom before you board the plane, so you don't have to wake up the others in your row during the flight to get up. If people are lucky enough to be able to sleep on planes then let the poor people sleep!!

2000Man said...

People are rude, people on planes more so. The part I dislike about travel is the way people act in airports and on airplanes. The whole process could be much simpler if people paid attention and thought of somebody beyond themselves.

Brandt said...

I think everyone should have to take classes if they have never flown before...

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